Can Am X3 Race Chassis

Turn Key race cars and custom Can Am Maverick X3 Race Chassis

- Best In The Desert
- Ultra 4 / King Of The Hammers
All Can Am race cars and chassis are made to order and available for any class or application. Alsup Racing Development works closely with Can Am in research and development. This allows us to ensure that our race chassis are compatible with all things Can Am. Coupled with a lifetime of offroad racing experience, ARD is committed to providing you the toughest turn key Maverick X3 race vehicles and chassis.  
For more information about Can Am Maverick X3 turn key race cars and chassis please call or email ARD

Alsup Racing Development



ARD strives to build the most competitive race car while maintaining simplicity and efficiency of the vehicle. Such terms may seem unrelated to constructing a race vehicle but generate the heart of the ARD vision. Simplicity is the ability to maintain the functionalities of all components without relying on outside over-engineered designs. Efficiency is the ability to work, drive, and diagnosis the vehicle with limited resources at the comfort of the driver and navigator. Efficiency is found in the entirety of the user experience including, but not limited, ergonomics, chassis layout, and wiring. Again, these facets are foundational in all aspects of the ARD race vehicles. Ultimately, the evolution of race car building is limitless.

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